What is sourdough bread?
Sourdough Bread is made by using wild yeast. It all begins by cultivating and building a pre- ferment (a starter) that is made up of wheat and water. An active starter is used to leaven (a yeast that makes the dough rise). Our dough at Bread & Culture all starts off with our leaven; followed by a mix; bulk proof; shape and gets a cold proof of at least 12-15 hours.
Long fermented bread is known to have a multitude of health benefits, specifically in digestion and nutrient absorption.
In our bakery, we use a combination of heirloom stone-milled fresh flour that is grown by using regenerative practices; purchased directly from farmers committed to soil health, organic flours and whole grains.
How do I store my bread?
Our bread is made up of flour, water, and salt. If stored properly, it can last four to five days.
Ideally, you should store your loaf in a cotton bread bag or a large towel, so that the bread can breathe. Store your bread in a relatively cool place so it can maintain ambient moisture levels. If you have several loaves to store, wrap them in cling wrap and put in a cool place. For long-term storage, place cling-wrapped bread in the freezer.
How do I reheat bread?
Reheating bread is important. There is nothing more gratifying than freshly baked bread. It has been our experience that the loaves are successfully reheated by introducing moisture to the exterior of the loaf. This means that you can simply spritz water all over the exterior of the bread; place in the oven at 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
Why are you only open 3 days a week?
Bread & Culture prides itself in making all our sourdough bread and sourdough croissants in house. As noted in our description of sourdough bread, this is a long-involved process that takes three days to produce. We have a small production team that works very hard to honor the integrity of making bread in the most natural form.
Do you have plans to open more days?
Yes, we are always analyzing and thinking about how we can open our doors to the public for additional hours.
How do I pre-order?
As it stands, we are working on systems to facilitate this as an option.
Do you wholesale your bread?
It is certainly something we are willing to entertain on a case-by-case basis.
Can you accommodate for nut allergies?
We are not a nut free bakery.
Do you offer gluten free products?
We do not offer any gluten free products.
Where else in NJ can I find your bread?
The West Windsor Community Farmers Market
How can I get in touch?
You are always welcome to reach out to us via email or via Instagram.
Email: Breadandculture@gmail.com, manager@breadandculture.com
Instagram: breadandculture